STATGRAPHICS Centurion 丨 数据分析软件培训
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上课地点:【上海】:同济大学(沪西)/新城金郡商务楼(11号线白银路站) 【深圳分部】:电影大厦(地铁一号线大剧院站)/深圳大学成教院 【北京分部】:北京中山学院/福鑫大楼 【南京分部】:金港大厦(和燕路) 【武汉分部】:佳源大厦(高新二路) 【成都分部】:领馆区1号(中和大道) 【广州分部】:广粮大厦 【西安分部】:协同大厦 【沈阳分部】:沈阳理工大学/六宅臻品 【郑州分部】:郑州大学/锦华大厦 【石家庄分部】:河北科技大学/瑞景大厦
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      ☆ 1、如有部分内容理解不透或消化不好,可免费在以后培训班中重听;
      ☆ 2、在课程结束之后,授课老师会留给学员手机和E-mail,免费提供半年的课程技术支持,以便保证培训后的继续消化;

  • 不论您是小区域或是大区域所要的地图建立,MapViewer提供您功能强大且容易使用的工具,并且将您的数据完美的显现出来。特色:可做地图编辑,地图投影可选各种地球坐标投影系统Albers Equal Area、Miller Cylinder、Latiitude/Longitude,统计图型有Hatch、Dot Density Pie,Symbbol、Prism,具有图型重迭功能可结合Surfer,文字可用上下标数学符号、线型符号,颜色都可定义,数据输入可用Lotus、Excel、ASCII,图型输出可选CGM,DXF、BMP、GIF、EPS、HPGL等。
  • MapViewer可以绘制以下图形
  • 1、Base Maps基本地图
  • 基本地图包括没有任何数据表示的边界。可以与其他地图使用实现显示的功能,比如道路,河流,城市位置,边界这些没有相关的数据等等。
  • 2、Pin Maps 引脚图
  • 引脚图是点位置图,在地图上的特定位置画一个点
  • 3、Hatch Maps孵化图
  • 孵化图使用颜色和填充图案来表示地图上每个区域的数据范围或类别。
  • 4、Density Maps密度图
  • 密度图也叫做点密度图,用符号来表示地图上的数据值。
  • 5、Gradient Maps梯度图
  • 梯度图在离散数据点之间通过插值显示连续的颜色。
  • 6、Dorling Cartograms统计图
  • 统计数据通过改变大小的相关区域对象来表示的值。Dorling 统计图用圆取代了原来的图形
  • 7、Symbol Maps符号地图
  • 符号地图在地图的一个区域,曲线或者点的位置上放置一个缩放符号,符号按比例缩放比例为每个区域或点所代表的数据值。
  • 8、Territory Maps
  • Territory地图组进入领土,并且为每组对象相关的数据提供统计信息
  • 9、Pie Maps饼图
  • 饼图是一种用按比例大小来表示多个数据值的方法
  • 10、Bar Maps条形图
  • 条形图是通过绘制一个条形图来表示各个位置的数据值的一种方法
  • 11、Line Graph Maps线形图
  • 线形图表示每个位置的中心线图
  • 12、Prism Maps 棱镜图
  • 棱镜图绘制每个区域、曲线或点作为凸起的棱镜,棱镜的高度与相关的数据值相关联
  • 13、Flow Maps流向图
  • 流向图是基于线的厚度来表示数据。
  • MapViewer主要特性
  • 1、创建专业专题地图
  • 控制你的空间数据。 MapViewer强大的绘图功能将空间数据转换为信息专题地图。灵活的地图显示,即时自定义和高级分析使MapViewer成为GIS分析师,商业专业人士以及任何处理空间分布数据的人的首选工具。
  • 2、增强地图
  • 创建像智能一样美丽的地图。 MapViewer丰富的自定义选项可让您创建地图以清晰地传达您的消息。
  • 3、做出明智的决定
  • 利用MapViewer的地理处理工具,对空间数据做出更好,更明智的决策。重点关注感兴趣的领域,缩小部分以进行进一步分析,并对原始数据应用数学计算以发现新的见解。
  • 4、与所有坐标系无缝协作
  • MapViewer可以轻松将空间数据转换为信息图。 MapViewer轻松管理投影在不同或多个坐标系中的未参考数据和数据。
  • 5、即时访问在线数据
  • 大量的数据在您的指尖等待可视化。 MapViewer可让您立即访问从任何在线Web地图服务(WMS)(公共或私人)下载的地图。
  • 6、完全兼容
  • 无缝可视化并分析来自多个来源的数据。 MapViewer本地读取多种文件格式,包括SHP,DXF和XLSX。 MapViewer还支持许多流行的导出格式。
  • 7、与自信合作
  • 与客户,同事和利益相关者分享您的工作。地图可以用高质量的导出格式(如PDF或TIFF)打印出版物。或者,您可以使用网络兼容格式(如JPG或PNG)在线共享您的作品。如果您正在准备演示文稿,只需将您的地图复制并粘贴到演示文稿工具中,例如Microsoft PowerPoint或Word。
  • 8、简化的工作流程
  • MapViewer直观的用户界面使您可以在几分钟内从原始数据转到信息图。
  • 系统要求
  • Windows XP SP3或更高版本,Vista SP3或更高版本,7,8(不包括 RT),10或更高版本
  • 支持32位和64位操作系统
  • 1024 x 768或更高的显示器分辨率,至小16位色深
  • 至少500MB 可用硬盘空间
  • 至少512MB RAM
  • Overview
  • MapViewer is an affordable mapping and spatial analysis tool that allows you to easily produce publication-quality thematic maps. Precisely display your data distribution with the most intuitive functions and features. Your data is unique and you need the best mapping software for the job!
  • MapViewer is an affordable and mapping and spatial analysis tool that allows you to easily produce publication-quality thematic maps. No data set is too complex to make an eye-catching plot. MapViewer helps you discover data trends and patterns in your data to help you make the right decision every time!
  • Create one of more than 16 unique and fully-customizable map types. Color your boundaries based on a data variable with the hatch map and territory map types. Create unique bar charts, pie charts, or line/scatter plots in each boundary with the bar map, pie map, and multi-graph map types. Grid your data and create gradient maps, contour maps, and vector maps from the grid. Re-size your map areas based on a data value with the three cartogram map types (contiguous, non-contiguous, and dorling) and the prism map type. Use the density map, symbol map, flow map, and line graph map types to display points, line graphs, or arrows on your map based on your data value. Add base maps and pin maps to your plot to display boundaries and point locations on your thematic maps.
  • What's New in MapViewer 8?
  • We have compiled a list of some of the top new features in MapViewer 8. This list is only a small sampling of the new features added to MapViewer 8.
  • New and Improved User-Interface
    Find commands more easily than ever with the new ribbon bar user-interface. Commonly-used commands have larger icons to make them easier to find, and commands are grouped in more intuitive ways. Additionally, find customization tools more easily than ever in the newly-redesigned managers.
  • "I would like to congratulate you and your team on the new version of MapViewer. It looks great." – Kazimierz J Zaniewski, Ph.D., Professor of Geography, Geography and Urban Planning, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
  • Create Multi-Graph Maps
    Multi-graph maps are a new thematic map type that display a unique line graph in or on each map boundary. Multi-graph maps make it easy to compare continuous information (like population over time) for multiple areas at once.
  • "It was easy to use this Multi-Graph Map. This will be very handy for mapping with oil and gas production data." – Mike Brickey, Retired Geologist
  • Create Bivariate Symbol Maps
    Symbol Maps have been an effective means of communicating data in previous versions of MapViewer, but they are even more powerful in MapViewer 8. Now you can color your symbols by a different variable than the variable with which you sized the symbols. This new feature doubles the amount of information your map conveys!
  • “My first effort at a bivariate symbol map produced a good map quickly and easily.” – David Hillier, Retired Plant Ecologist
  • Create Contiguous Cartogram Maps
    Contiguous cartograms are maps that vary the area of a map boundary based on a variable, and maintain the connectivity of adjacent boundaries at the expense of shape. Use this intriguing new cartogram map feature to display your data in an obvious and interesting way.
  • “I LOVE the contiguous cartogram…very elegant.” – Bob McConnaughey, Ph.D., Epidemiology Support and Analysis, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
  • Create Proportional Pin Maps
    Exercise full control over your pin map display by using the proportional symbol size pin map method. This allows you to set a minimum and maximum symbol size, then have the symbol sizes vary within that range based on the values in your data column.
  • “I mainly use Pin maps for our organization…In the new version I see a benefit to be able to use multiple data sources. This is a great feature.” – MapViewer 8 Beta Tester
  • Download Online Maps
    More information is now at your fingertips. Download image layers from hundreds of free online Web Mapping Services (WMS) through MapViewer’s new, integrated WMS browser. Connect to online data sources, pick the layers of interest you want to download, and MapViewer seamlessly downloads the images into your projects.
  • Query Across Multiple Layers
    No longer are you limited to querying only objects in the same layer. Now select points from one layer that are within boundaries on another layer, apply properties to polygons on separate layers that share a given criteria, etc. MapViewer will show you patterns in your data you never knew existed!
  • Use Text Columns for Territory Map Territories or Hatch Map Classes
    It’s finally here! Create the same visually-dynamic hatch maps and territory maps you always have, but use text variables rather than assigning these to data values. Eliminate tedious data reformatting forever!
  • “I didn't use text classes in my work but I must say it's very efficient. … I must confess it seems very powerful and much more useful than I thought. Congratulations.” – Thierry Hatt, associated researcher EA3400 team, historical GIS cartographer, Université de Strasbourg, France
  • Increased Customization of Data Labels
    Customize your map presentation by adding data labels from any data column, changing the font/format of labels, moving all labels in as set or individual labels, and adding leader lines. Your maps will look exactly how you want with minimal effort!
  • "Using the new approach to dealing with data labelling was straightforward and intuitive. The flexibility and range of facilities provided are very good." – John Cooper, retired Professor and Property Systems consultant
  • Support for Unlimited Number of Attributes
    Import an unlimited number of attributes with your boundaries for use as data labels to present a myriad of information about your map.
  • Embed Data in MapViewer Project (GSM) Files
    Have trouble remembering where your data files went? Forget to send the data files with the GSM file when you’re sharing your project with a coworker or technical support? Never again. The redesigned GSM file allows you to embed data so one file is all you need!
  • Improved Coordinate System Dialog
    Benefit from a flexible new coordinate system dialog that lays out the systems in a more intuitive fashion. Additionally, new functionality has been added to search for coordinate systems to make it easier than ever to find your desired system. Surfer users will find this dialog familiar and will delight in the improvement, since this dialog and Surfer’s are one and the same.
  • Font/Format Support for Legend Entries
    Add a custom legend to your plot to give all of the information that your audience needs to get out the valuable information you put into your maps. Use the new Font Properties and Label Format sections to add prefixes and suffixes to your legend entries, modify the font size and color, and so much more!
  • New Import/Export Formats
    Take advantage of the newly available or enhanced import and export formats!
  • Import formats:
    Google Earth KML/KMZ
    Excel XLSX
    JPEG2000 (JP2)
    SEG-P1 (as data or base map)
    Excel XLSM
    Access 2007
    LASer LiDAR data
    PDF as raster
    Increase DPI
    TerraGo GeoPDF
    Zipped SHP
    AutoCAD DXF (as data
    Tiled -import all tiles at once
    Support YCbCr Color Format
    56-bpp Landsat based GeoTIFF
    Newer (450/4.5 and 600/6.0) MIF
    Import bitmap at original DPI
  • Export formats:
    Google Earth KML/KMZ
    Option to export text as 'label' placemarks instead of icons or areas/curves
    Excel XLSX
    JPEG2000 (JP2)
    Transparent TIF/PNG/GIF/PDF
    Vector PDF with layers
    Support compression
    Page size option
    Vector - support partial transparency for image fill patterns
    Support compression, page size option
    BLN - Add Blanking Flag Options to the BLN Export Options Dialog
    GSI - save symbol properties, fill patterns, and coordinate system info internally
    Improved export of stock fill patterns
  • New Coordinate Systems, Datums, and Projections
    New Coordinate Systems:
  • Bursa-Wolf (7-parameter) Transformation Version of the CH1903 Coordinate System
    WGS84 Web Mercator (900913) and WGS84 Web Mercator (EPSG 3857)
    Europe UTM zone 29N using European 1950 - Port./Spain datum
    British National Grid & Ordnance Survey (OSGB36)
    More Australian grid coordinate systems
    New Zealand Transverse Mercator 2000
    Australian GDA94 with GDA94 datum
    Michigan GeoRef (1point+azimuth)
    France: RGF93 / CC (zones 42-50)
    ITM: Irish Transverse Mercator
    Hungarian National Grid EOV
    Taiwan TWD67 and TWD97
    Portuguese National Grid
    WGS84 Web Mercator
    Kentucky Single Zone
    Swiss LV95 and LV03
    South African Grid
    Irish National Grid
    Japan Plane Rect.
    Russia Pulkovo
  • New Datums:
  • apanese Geodetic Datum 2000
    Potsdam 1983 (PD83)
    NGO 1948
  • New Projections:
  • New Zealand Map Grid
  • Mount Eden Circuit 2000
    Support Ordnance Survey
    Hotine Oblique Mercator 2-Point
  • 64-Bit Installation Option
    "I have created my very first 1.28 Gbyte Mapviewer8 file. I certainly could never have done that in Mapviewer7!" – Jim Lance, Independent Geophysicist
  • Full Transparency Control of All Map Objects Including Images
    Full Unicode Support
    New Text Editor Dialog
    And many more!






    端海的andriod 系统与应用培训完全符合了我公司的要求,达到了我公司培训的目的。 特别值得一提的是授课讲师针对我们公司的开发的项目专门提供了一些很好程序的源代码, 基本满足了我们的项目要求。
——中国电子科技集团技术部主任 马工
    端海的FPGA 培训很好地填补了高校FPGA培训空白,不错。总之,有利于学生的发展, 有利于教师的发展,有利于课程的发展,有利于社会的发展。
    端海给我们公司提供的Dsp6000培训,符合我们项目的开发要求,解决了很多困惑我 们很久的问题,与端海的合作非常愉快。
    MTK培训-我在网上找了很久,就是找不到。在端海居然有MTK驱动的培训,老师经验 很丰富,知识面很广。下一个还想培训IPHONE苹果手机。跟他们合作很愉快,老师很有人情味,态度很和蔼。
    端海对我们公司的iPhone培训,实验项目很多,确实学到了东西。受益无穷 啊!特别是对于那种正在开发项目的,确实是物超所值。
    通过参加Symbian培训,再做Symbian相关的项目感觉更加得心应手了,理 论加实践的授课方式,很有针对性,非常的适合我们。学完之后,很轻松的就完成了我们的项目。

一汽海马汽车 DSP培训
苏州金属研究院 DSP培训
南京南瑞集团技术 FPGA培训
西安爱生技术集团 FPGA培训,DSP培训
成都熊谷加世电气 DSP培训
福斯赛诺分析仪器(苏州) FPGA培训
南京国电工程 FPGA培训
北京环境特性研究所 达芬奇培训
中国科学院微系统与信息技术研究所 FPGA高级培训
重庆网视只能流技术开发 达芬奇培训
无锡力芯微电子股份 IC电磁兼容
河北科学院研究所 FPGA培训
上海微小卫星工程中心 DSP培训
广州航天航空 POWERPC培训
桂林航天工学院 DSP培训
江苏五维电子科技 达芬奇培训
无锡步进电机自动控制技术 DSP培训
江门市安利电源工程 DSP培训
长江力伟股份 CADENCE 培训
爱普生科技(无锡 ) 数字模拟电路
河南平高 电气 DSP培训
中国航天员科研训练中心 A/D仿真
常州易控汽车电子 WINDOWS驱动培训
南通大学 DSP培训
上海集成电路研发中心 达芬奇培训
北京瑞志合众科技 WINDOWS驱动培训
江苏金智科技股份 FPGA高级培训
中国重工第710研究所 FPGA高级培训
芜湖伯特利汽车安全系统 DSP培训
厦门中智能软件技术 Android培训
苏州浩克系统科技 FPGA培训
上海申达自动防范系统 FPGA培训
四川长虹佳华信息 MTK培训
南昌航空大学--fpga 高级开发技术培训
IBM 公司--3G手机ANDROID系统和应用技术开发培训
中国双飞--Vxworks 应用和BSP开发技术培训


上海水务建设工程有限公司--Alter/Xilinx FPGA应用开发技术培训
恩法半导体科技--Allegro Candence PCB 仿真和信号完整性技术培训
中航工业无线电电子研究所--Vxworks 应用和BSP开发技术培训
华路时代信息技术--VxWorks BSP开发技术培训
宝康电子--Allegro Candence PCB 仿真和信号完整性技术培训
上海天能电子有限公司--Allegro Candence PCB 仿真和信号完整性技术培训
先先信息科技有限公司--brew 手机开发技术培训
东北农业大学--IPHONE 苹果应用开发技术培训
哈尔滨大学--IPHONE 苹果应用开发技术培训

  备案号:备案号:沪ICP备08026168号-1 .(2024年07月24日)....................
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