Programming in C# 5.0 with Visual Studio 2012培训
班级规模及环境--热线:4008699035 手机:15921673576( 微信同号) |
每期人数限3到5人。 |
上课时间和地点 |
开课地址:【上海】同济大学(沪西)/新城金郡商务楼(11号线白银路站)【深圳分部】:电影大厦(地铁一号线大剧院站) 【武汉分部】:佳源大厦【成都分部】:领馆区1号【沈阳分部】:沈阳理工大学【郑州分部】:锦华大厦【石家庄分部】:瑞景大厦【北京分部】:北京中山学院 【南京分部】:金港大厦
最新开班 (连续班 、周末班、晚班):2020年3月16日 |
实验设备 |
★实验设备请点击这儿查看★ |
质量保障 |
3、培训合格学员可享受免费推荐就业机会。 |
课程大纲 |
- Introduction to Visual Studio 2012
First program - Hello C# World !
Classes from System.Console namespace
Compilation, Debugging
Comments in C#, Main function, using
Microsoft .NET
- What is .NET?
CLR and Garbage Collector
DLL vs. EXE?
Technologies within .NET
Foundations of C#
- C# History from 1.0 to 5.0
Pascal Case, Camel Case
Keywords, Literals, Operators, Punctuators
Statements, Comments
Value Type, Reference Type
Assignment vs. variable comparison
Conditional operations - If, Switch
Loops - for, foreach, while, do… while…
Overview of C# keywords and operators
C# 5.0
- Namespaces and types
Numerical and Boolean types
Class theory (Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism)
Fields, Properties, Indexers, Operators
Methods, Delegates, Events, Anonymous Methods
Interfaces, Structures, Enums
Arrays, Collections, Exceptions
Generic and Anonymous types
Strings and chars
Data Flow
- Data modelling in C#
Access to databases
Entity Framework
CRUD operations
.NET Class Library
- Files and Streams
Serialization (binary, text, xml)
Asynchronous operations
Parallel programming
Review of applications that can be developed in C# and .NET Framework 4.5
- Summary and Conclusion