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开课地址:【上海】同济大学(沪西)/新城金郡商务楼(11号线白银路站)【深圳分部】:电影大厦(地铁一号线大剧院站) 【武汉分部】:佳源大厦【成都分部】:领馆区1号【沈阳分部】:沈阳理工大学【郑州分部】:锦华大厦【石家庄分部】:瑞景大厦【北京分部】:北京中山学院 【南京分部】:金港大厦
最新开班 (连续班 、周末班、晚班):2020年3月16日 |
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3、培训合格学员可享受免费推荐就业机会。 |
课程大纲 |
Introduction to Systems Engineering Overview
The Systems Engineering Process
Typical Application of the Systems Engineering Process
Document-Based vs Model-Based Approach for Systems Engineering
Quick Revision of SysML
SysML Purpose and Key Features
SysML Diagram Overview
Introducing SysML-Lite
A Simplified MBSE Method
The Learning Curve for SysML and MBSE
OCSMP Certification Coverage and SysML
Overview on SysML Models with Diagrams
The Package Diagram
Defining Packages Using a Package Diagram
Organizing a Package Hierarchy
Showing Packageable Elements on a Package Diagram
Packages as Namespaces
Importing Model Elements into Packages
Showing Dependencies between Packageable Elements
Block Definition Diagram
Modeling the Structure and Characteristics of Blocks Using Properties
Block Behavior
Modeling Interfaces Using Ports
Modeling Classification Hierarchies Using Generalization
Modeling Block Configurations Using Instances
Semantics of Blocks
Constraint Expressions
Encapsulating Constraints in Constraint Blocks to Enable Reuse
Using Composition to Build Complex Constraint Blocks
Using a Parametric Diagram to Bind Parameters of Constraint Blocks
Constraining Value Properties of a Block
Capturing Values in Block Configurations
Constraining Time-Dependent Properties to Facilitate Time-Based Analysis
Using Constraint Blocks to Constrain Item Flows
The Activity Diagram
Actions—The Foundation
Object abd Control Flows
Signals and Other Events
Structuring Activities
Advanced Flow Modeling
Modeling Constraints on Activity Execution
Relating Activities to Blocks and Other Behaviors
Modeling Activity Hierarchies Using Block Definition Diagrams
Enhanced Functional Flow Block Diagram
Executing Activities
Modeling Message-Based Behavior with Interactions
The Sequence Diagram
The Context for Interactions
Exchanging Messages between Lifelines
Representing Time on a Sequence Diagram
Complex Scenarios Using Combined Fragments
Complex Interactions
Decomposing Lifelines to Represent Internal Behavior
State Machine Diagram
Event-Based Behavior and State Machine
Specifying States
Transitioning between States
Operation Calls
State Hierarchies
Contrasting Discrete and Continuous States
Use Case Diagram
Using Actors to Represent the Users of a System
Using Use Cases to Describe System Functionality
Elaborating Use Cases with Behaviors
Modeling Text-Based Requirements and Their Relationship to Design
Requirement Diagram
Representing a Text Requirement in the Model
Types of Requirements Relationships
Cross-Cutting Relationships
Depicting Rationale for Requirements Relationships
Depicting Requirements and Their Relationships in Tables
Modeling Requirement Hierarchies in Packages
Modeling a Requirement Containment Hierarchy
Modeling Requirement Derivation
Asserting That a Requirement Is Satisfied
Verifying That a Requirement Is Satisfied
Reducing Requirements Ambiguity Using the Refine Relationship
Using the General-Purpose Trace Relationship
Reusing Requirements with the Copy Relationship
Allocate Relationship
Allocation Notation
Kinds of allocation
Reuse: Specifying Definition and Usage in Allocation
Allocating Behavior to Structure Using Functional Allocation
Allocating Behavioral Flows to Structural Flows
Allocating between Independent Structural Hierarchies
Modeling Structural Flow Allocation
Allocating Deeply Nested Properties
Evaluating Allocation across a User Model
Customizing SysML for Specific Domains
The SysML Specification and Language Architecture
Defining Model Libraries to Provide Reusable Constructs
Defining Stereotypes to Extend SysML Concepts
Extending the SysML Language Using Profiles
Applying Profiles to User Models in Order to Use Stereotypes
Applying Stereotypes when Building a Model
Defining and Using Viewpoints to Generate Views of the Model
Object-Oriented Systems Engineering Method
Method Overview
A case study/example
Integrating SysML into a Systems Development Environment
Specifying an Integrated Systems Development Environment
Data Exchange Mechanisms
Selecting a System Modeling Tool
Deploying SysML in an Organization
Improvement Process
Elements of a Deployment Strategy