Getting Started with ASP.NET MVC:NET MVC in context; What’s new in MVC 6; MVC project templates; Understanding the structure of an ASP.NET MVC project; Naming conventions; Creating views; Defining controllers; Defining a data model
Creating a Complete ASP.NET MVC Application: Strongly-typed views; Razor syntax; Understanding URLs and action methods; MVC6 tag helpers; Form post-backs; Data validation
Industrial-Strength ASP.NET MVC Applications:NET application architecture best practices; Implementing a repository and EF data model; ASP.NET Dependency Injection; Custom controller factories
View Techniques: Defining custom tag helpers; Defining a layout page; Using styles; Defining and using partial views
Implementing Navigation: Defining view-model classes; Implementing data filtering in a controller; Understanding the routing mechanism; Adding custom entries to a route table; Defining defaults, parameters, and validation; Generating URLs and hyperlinks; Custom route constraints
State Management: Using hidden fields; Session and application state; Custom model bindings
Creating RESTful Services using Web API: Overview of Web API; Building servers and clients; Content negotiation; Attribute routing; Custom model binding; Invoking RESTful services from Ajax clients
Creating Single Page Applications: Overview of SPAs; Using GruntJS, NPM, and Bower support; Overview of AngularJS and Bootstrap